Doi Wawee Shaihong Spring Cake
Garden Direct Red Tea

"Light aroma and taste, but a heavy and silky body. Reminds me of an Assam, but the tannins are so much smoother." - Melissa R.

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Doi Wawee Shaihong Spring Cake
Doi Wawee Shaihong Spring Cake
Doi Wawee Shaihong Spring Cake
Doi Wawee Shaihong Spring Cake

Doi Wawee Shaihong Spring Cake

Sun-dried red tea (shaihong) is most likely the original way of producing red tea using the Sun’s natural light and energy to dry the tea.

22+ Servings

Qty: 1
Low Stock: Limited quantities remain

Malty, sweet red date, black sugar,

deep and sweet fermentation

About this tea

Sun-dried red tea (shaihong) is most likely the original way of producing red tea using the Sun’s natural light and energy to dry the tea. This natural sun-drying method predates the modern and more widespread practice of oven-drying red tea. The sunlight and slow rate of natural drying creates a uniquely sweet fermentation taste and aromatic profile that only the Sun can produce. Sun-dried red tea keeps the living character of Pu’er tea because the temperature of sun-drying is not as high as that of oven machine baking which thoroughly stops the enzyme activity in red tea. This tea is good for immediate drinking as well as aging and enjoying over time.

This batch from the ancient tea trees of Doi Wawee in Northern Thailand’s Chiang Rai Province has a strong energy and density with notes of berry spice compote, red date, black sugar, black pepper and thick malty sweetness. The tea is great for gongfucha sessions and shows its character over the course of several infusions.


Sun-dried red tea


Doi Wawee, Thailand


Heirloom assamica from ancient trees


Vintage Spring 2021


900 - 1150 meters

1 Tbsp
5-6.75 oz
5-10 seconds
Traditional Tea Preparation

Chip the cake carefully with a pick or Pu’er dagger.
Add 7g-9g to a gaiwan or gongfu teapot (per 150ml-200ml).
Use 212°F boiling water.

Briefly rinse leaves for 5-10 seconds. Decant and discard this rinse infusion. Proceed to infuse the tea using boiling water. Enjoy each infusion individually and savor the flavors of each round.

Decant 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th infusions after 20-30 seconds. The tea infuses fast and gives out its strength in the beginning of the session. Brew the tea several times until the taste weakens. Increase the infusion time to your taste preference after you become familiar with the tea.

Doi Wawee background map mobile


Doi Wawee

Chiang Rai Province, Northern Thailand

Throughout northern Thailand there are many old, abandoned tea plantations that have been left to grow wild from centuries past. Known locally by the Thais as “Assam tea,” these trees are part of an ancient tea journey that traces its roots back to the 11th and 12th Centuries. It is thought that the Bulang and Dai ethnic peoples were the pioneers of tea in this region and both groups planted tea seeds wherever they migrated. In more modern times, ethnic Han Chinese from Yunnan settled in the region and became stewards of the ancient tea tree forests and plantations. They began to produce tea in Doi Wawee according to Yunnan Pu’er tea practices and traditions. At this time, the village of Doi Wawee is glorified by tea lovers and is known as,  茶房 or “the village of tea.”

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