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Rishi Tea and Botanicals Garden Direct White Tea Fuding Silver Needles

Global Tea Harvest Timeline

The exact date a tea harvest begins depends on location, and how spring develops. Like any plant emerging from the grips of winter the intersection of daylight hours, rain and heat will determine when growth begins in the tea plant.


No one encompassing certification, logo or label accredits a business as “sustainable.” At Rishi Tea & Botanicals, we subscribe to being a conscious business where our entire ecosystem matters.

What is Green Tea?

Green Tea is the least oxidized of the six tea types. Green teas are crafted with the application of heat in a step called firing. This heat denatures the enzymes that cause tea leaves to change in color...
What Is Black Tea

What is Black Tea?

“Black Tea”, as it’s called in the West, is known as “Hong Cha” or “Red Tea” in Asia, due to its dark reddish infusion color and dark colored dried tea leaves covered with reddish-orange pekoe...
Ball Rolled Oolong

What is Oolong Tea?

Highly sought-after by tea connoisseurs, oolong teas offer wonderfully complex aromatic profiles that are best savored slowly over the course of multiple infusions brewed in a traditional vessel such as a porcelain Gaiwan.

What is White Tea?

White Tea is a pure and noble expression of Camellia sinensis. Unlike the other types of tea, white teas are neither fired nor rolled & allowed to simply air dry...

What is Pu'er Tea?

Pu’er tea is one of the oldest types of tea, with a history dating back more than 2,000 years. This ancient tea originates in Yunnan province on China’s southwestern frontier.

Tasting to Compare: Darjeeling 1st & 2nd Flush Teas

Second to None: Darjeeling 2nd Flush Harvest

Second To None: Darjeeling 2nd Flush Harvest

Set high in the Himalayas, Darjeeling is regarded as the “Champagne of Tea” due to its one-of-a-kind terroir. Each garden in Darjeeling has its own signature micro-climate and terroir, which brings forth a unique fragrance and flavor characteristics.
Majestic Himalayan Teas Pt.2: Innovations in Nepal

Majestic Himalayan Teas Pt.2: Innovations in Nepal

The drive from the Tumsong Estate in Darjeeling, India through the Nepali border to Jun Chiyabari, looks like a quick 7-hour trip on a map...
Makers Spotlight: The Nishi Family

Makers Spotlight: The Nishi Family

The Nishi family is celebrated throughout Japan for their exquisite quality teas and recognized for their dedication to organic tea farming. Rishi has partnered with the Nishi family since 2005. 
Majestic Himalaya Teas Pt.1: the Magic of Darjeeling

Majestic Himalaya Teas Pt.1: the Magic of Darjeeling

In March of 2019, our buyers embarked on the journey into the Golden Valley of famed Darjeeling teas with our partners at Chamong Tea Group.
Schisandra Berry - A Traditional Adaptogen with a Modern Twist 

Schisandra Berry - A Traditional Adaptogen with a Modern Twist 


Sourcing Vanilla - Rishi's Origin Story to San Luis Potosi

In 2018, the Rishi team had the opportunity to visit our vanilla farming partners in San Luis Potosí, Mexico, located 415 kilometers slightly northwest from Mexico City. The team visited both during the pollination and the harvest and processing seasons. During these visits, our team learned the nuances of hand-pollination and the extremely involved drying process of this incredible spice.
Joshua Kaiser with Tea Pickers

20 Years of Rishi

We are celebrating 20 years in business and I want to personally extend my sincere gratitude for your role in our story...

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