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Best Sellers

A collection of our best tasting teas, according to the most popular purchases from our community.



The Best Teas from Around the World

These are undeniable classics, appreciated the world over. Full of bold aromas, delicate fragrances, and robust flavor, this collection of tea are the most popular selections from our customers. If you’re looking for teas that are simple to brew, versatile for every occasion and vetted by tea drinkers like yourself, this collection is sure to have an option for you. From branching out into new teas to filling up on cupboard staples, Rishi Tea & Botanicals is sure to have a tea for you in our best sellers.

How to Use Our Best Sellers

These teas are generally regarded as our best tasting teas — ideal for tea drinkers who aren’t sure what to drink next, or who are looking for a popular tea selection to branch out into. These teas are generally simple to brew, and well suited to various styles, including western-style and gongfu cha brewing


These teas are selected and organized by the most popular teas purchased, according to Rishi customers. If you’re looking for a vote of confidence, you found one.

Like our other teas, these teas should be stored in an opaque, airtight container. Sunlight, excess oxygen, and moisture can lead to a degradation of flavor, or spoilage of your tea.

Absolutely! All of our loose leaf and sachet teas are capable of being brewed hot or iced — for iced preparations, we suggest brewing your tea for a minute or two longer, before pouring over ice.

The caffeine content in our best sellers varies, ranging from caffeine-free options to high-caffeine options. Caffeine contents can be found in individual product pages.

Want to Stay Stocked on Your Favorites?

If you find yourself visiting our shop often for the same teas, consider starting a tea subscription! For tea drinkers who want to stay stocked up on their favorite teas, a tea subscription can lessen the hassle of tea ordering, sending a batch of your favorites straight to your door, every month! Simply select the teas you're looking for and your subscription length, and Rishi Tea & Botanicals will handle the rest.