Journal / Origins & Travel

Fujian, China

Fujian, China

China's Fujian Province has played a crucial role in the history and development of specialty teas like red tea, oolong tea, and white tea.


November 14, 2023


Rishi Tea



China's Fujian Province has played a crucial role in the history and development of specialty teas like red tea, oolong tea, and white tea. With a rich tea cultivation history dating back centuries, Fujian has become renowned for its expertise in producing these unique and flavorful teas.

1. Red Tea: Fujian Province is considered the birthplace of red tea, also known as black tea in the West. Red tea has a long history in Fujian, with the first recorded red tea, Lapsang Souchong, originating in the Wuyi Mountains during the Ming Dynasty. The region's favorable climate, fertile soil, and unique terrains provide ideal conditions for growing the tea plants used to produce red tea. The traditional processing methods, including withering, rolling, oxidation, and firing, are perfected by the skilled tea artisans of Fujian, resulting in the distinct flavor profiles and deep red color of red tea. 

2. Oolong Tea: Fujian Province is renowned for its production of oolong tea, which falls between green and black tea in terms of oxidation level. The exact origins of oolong tea are uncertain, but it is believed to have originated in the Wuyi Mountains during the Ming Dynasty or earlier. Fujian's favorable climate, mineral-rich soil, and unique terroir contribute to the cultivation of tea plants with the ideal characteristics for producing oolong tea. The traditional processing methods, which involve withering, rolling, oxidation, and firing, are meticulously carried out by tea artisans to create the complex flavors and aromas associated with oolong tea. Oolong tea processing techniques were developed in Wuyi Shan and spread to Anxi in the south of Fujian, Chaozhou in Guangdong and eventually to Taiwan in the 18th and 19th Centuries . Today Oolong tea is also produced in various provinces of Mainland China , Thailand, Burma, Vietnam and even New Zealand . 

3. White Tea: Fujian Province is internationally renowned for its production of white tea. The province's tea cultivation history dates back centuries, and it is in Fujian that the first recorded white tea, Silver Needle (Baihao Yinzhen), was developed during the late Ming Dynasty or early Qing Dynasty. The Zhenghe and Fuding regions in Fujian are particularly known for their high-quality white teas

Made from the original white tea cultivars. Fujian's unique climate, characterized by misty mountains, moderate temperatures, and fertile soil, creates the perfect environment for cultivating the delicate tea buds and leaves used in white tea production. The minimal processing methods employed by tea artisans help preserve the natural appearance and subtle flavors of white tea.

Overall, Fujian Province's importance in the history and development of specialty teas like red tea, oolong tea, and white tea cannot be overstated. Its favorable climate, unique terroir, and skilled tea artisans have contributed to the cultivation and production of these exceptional teas, making Fujian a significant hub for tea enthusiasts around the world.