Experience Exceptionally Bold Tea
This collection of strong-flavored teas are perfect for those who love more resonant and bittersweet flavors. Notable for their tannic, rich profile, the teas in this collection will result in thick and dark “liquor” that is deeply aromatic and heady. The perfect profile for a long tea session or morning brew. Many of these teas have been aged as well, leading to a deeply developed and complex profile that will shine brightly through multiple steeps. If you’re looking for a truly indulgent and rich tea experience, these bold teas are the right choice.
How to Brew Bold & Bittersweet Teas
As many of these teas are aged for complexity, they result in an incredibly rich and strong cup of tea. As such, we suggest brewing the teas in this collection in multiple small and quick steeps to enjoy the breadth of the profile these teas have to offer. In general, we suggest brewing 1.5 tablespoons of tea leaves with 5 ounces of hot water for 20-30 seconds. Repeat brews can be extended by about 30 seconds each time, repeating until the tea begins to taste very bitter.