Journal / Origins & Travel

Chaozhou, Guangdong, China

Chaozhou, Guangdong, China

Chaozhou, located in Guangdong Province, China, holds great historical importance in relation to oolong tea, particularly the famous Fenghuang Dancong oolong tea.


November 15, 2023


Rishi Tea



Chaozhou, located in Guangdong Province, China, holds great historical importance in relation to oolong tea, particularly the famous Fenghuang Dancong oolong tea. Fenghuang Dancong has a rich history that dates back centuries.

The origins of Fenghuang Dancong can be traced to the Phoenix Mountain (Fenghuang Shan) in Chaozhou. This tea variety is known for its unique and aromatic flavor profile, which is achieved through a meticulous production process. The tea leaves are plucked from ancient tea trees that are believed to be over a thousand years old.

The Phoenix Mountain area has a long-standing tea history, with the Song Zhong ancient tea trees being one of its notable features. These trees are considered precious as they have been cultivated for generations and are believed to have a direct link to the tea culture of the Song Dynasty. The tea leaves from these ancient trees are highly sought after due to their exceptional quality and distinct flavor.

In addition to the ancient tea trees, the area around Phoenix Mountain is known for cultivating a wide variety of tea cultivars, each with its own unique aroma and taste. The microclimatic conditions, soil composition, and careful cultivation techniques contribute to the development of these aromatic tea cultivars.

The fame of Fenghuang Dancong has spread far and wide, making it a prized oolong tea variety in the world. Its complex flavors, ranging from floral to fruity, along with its long-standing history, have made it a favorite among tea connoisseurs. Chaozhou's contribution to the world of oolong tea, particularly through Fenghuang Dancong and the cultivation of unique tea cultivars, has solidified its place in China's tea heritage.